Acceso a mercados internacionales
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
With the goal of became a certified fishery the Marine Stewardship Council will implement raising awareness activities and provide training on sustainable seafood certification and MSC standards for sustainable fishing and chain of custody.
The Marine Stewardship Council is an international non-profit organization that focuses on the use of their ecolabel and fishery certification program to contribute to the health of the world’s oceans by recognising and rewarding sustainable fishing practices, influencing the choices people make when buying seafood and working with our partners to transform the seafood market to a sustainable basis.
The MSC recognises the important contribution that FIPs can make to improving overall fisheries health and in promoting sustainable seafood. However, we believe that it is important that they are operated in a manner that is credible: that their actions are transparent; that they clearly show improvement in fishery performance; and that these fisheries ultimately demonstrate their sustainability through a robust, independent assessment process.
The MSC is the only wild-capture fisheries certification and ecolabelling program that meets best practice requirements set by both the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO) and ISEAL, the global membership association for sustainability standards