Steering committee

The Project Steering Committee provides oversight and strategic guidance to the project and makes decisions about the overall management of the project. The Committee has the following roles and responsibilities:

  1. Oversee project implementation 
  2. Approve the annual budget and work plan
  3. Examine the annual progress report and provide coments and recommendations, 
  4. Approve any major changes in project plans or strategy 
  5. Be responsible for the overall evaluation of the project, analyze the mid-term and final evaluation reports and provide comments and recommendations 
  6. Arbitrate any conflicts which might arise.

The committee has the support of the following members:

The Regional Technical Advisor (RTA). 
José Vicente Troya

A representative of SFP as implementing partner.
Enrique Alonso

The lead UNDP Country Office representative.
Ana María Núñez

A representative from each country:

1) Indonesia: Roby Fadillah from BAPPENAS.

2) Philippines: Rafael Ramiscal from BFAR.

3) Ecuador: Jorge Costain, Sub-secretary of Fisheries from MAP.

4) Costa Rica: Victor Fernandez from MAG.

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Mario Rodas

Programme Officer, Energy and Environment Unit | UNDP

Diego Orellana

International Project Coordinator

© 2018 - UNDP Ecuador

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2020 - UNDP Ecuador