Multistakeholder Platform for Sustainable Fisheries

July 2019, the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS launched the Multistakeholder Platform for Sustainable Fisheries to coordinate the entire sector and existing initiatives focused on the sustainability of fisheries. Establishment of the Multistakeholder Platform for Sustainable Fisheries is part of the Global Sustainable Supply Chains for Marine Commodities (GMC) project (2018-2021) which coordinated by BAPPENAS with technical support from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and funding from Global Environment Facility (GEF). This platform working under the efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially Goal 14 on Life Below Water, regulated through the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Regulation No. 59 of 2017 concerning the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.


  1. To build multistakeholder commitment in the national level towards sustainable fisheries
  2. To formulate, monitor and adapt strategic actions that address the root causes limiting the sustainability of the Indonesian fisheries sector
  3. To establish partnerships and coordinate existing actions, investment and resources that forward the sustainability of Indonesian fisheries


A multistakeholder platform is a mechanism for government to convene and coordinate the public and private sector to develop a collective agreement on systematic or strategic solution for the sector. A platform therefore provides a neutral space for various stakeholders to come and work together to address the challenges faced by the sector and encourage cooperation between existing initiatives.

With this platform, Indonesia will have a strategic plan to enable Indonesia fisheries product to meet global and domestic market requirements for sustainable fishery products, providing a unified country response and unquestionably benefitting domestic fishers and the country as a whole. The strategic Plan will assist and guide public and private sectors and buyers in their efforts to improve the social and environmental performance of the national fisheries value chain for the next 5-years. Two key aspects of the strategic plan is to effectively implement the Fisheries Management Areas (WPPs) as a framework to optimise the fisheries sector, and working directly to support Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) to meet internationally recognized sustainability standards and to generate model for improving the sustainability of Indonesia’s fisheries commodities.

The platform holds periodic meetings as well as action review meetings and workshops to combine input from various stakeholders, identify and agree on ways to ensure the sustainability of fisheries, both from the social, economic and environmental aspect.

Participating in the platform offers individuals and organisations the chance to be involved in creating a more sustainable future for Indonesian fisheries. We welcome everyone’s input and encourage interested stakeholders to join our meetings, working groups and plenary sessions.


Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS, Republic of Indonesia Directorate of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Address: Jl. Taman Suropati Nomor 2 Jakarta 10310
Telp/ Fax: +62 (21) 3107960

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