Market engagement

The Global Standard for Responsible Supply (IFFO RS) is the leading independent business-to-business certification programme for the production of marine ingredients. As the fishmeal and fish oil industry has continued to expand there has been an increasing need for the industry as a whole to demonstrate its commitment to responsible practices in the way of sourcing, manufacture and supply. In order to support sustainable market growth, decrease the impact the industry has on the environment and to provide stakeholders with a tool to demonstrate responsible practice, the IFFO Governance Board (IFFO RS GB) put together a multi-stakeholder Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to develop a Global Standard for the Responsible Supply (IFFO RS) of marine ingredients.
The GMC project helped facilitate an agreement between 19 Ecuadorian fishing and fishmeal producing companies and IFFO RS to initiate a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) for the Ecuadorian Small Pelagic fishery. The FIP aims to improve management of the small pelagic fishery and ensure responsible fishmeal production in order to receive the IFFO RS certification.
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Mario Rodas
Programme Officer, Energy and Environment Unit | UNDP
Diego Orellana
International Project Coordinator
© 2018 - UNDP Ecuador