
Global sustainable certification puts Indonesian fisheries on the map

Global sustainable certification puts Indonesian fisheries on the map

At the beginning of 2021, the Indonesia pole-and-line and handline, skipjack and yellowfin tuna of Western and Central Pacific archipelagic waters were certified sustainable to Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) fisheries standards. The MSC is the international standard body which recognizes efforts to protect oceans and safeguard seafood supplies.

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A holistic approach for sustainable fisheries and a blue economy

A holistic approach for sustainable fisheries and a blue economy

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is currently implementing an innovative project, the Global Marine Commodities Project (GMC Project), and just released a new publication “The GMC Project: Our Model and Early Results”, that describes its unique approach to engage different public and private sector actors along the seafood supply chain to drive sustainability into 9 distinct fisheries in Asia and Latin America.

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Blue swimming crab sustainability: a shared goal in the Philippines

Blue swimming crab sustainability: a shared goal in the Philippines

The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) complete the last stage of nationwide Blue Swimming Crab National Management Plan consultations for fishery sustainability. The 5-year plan will roll-out various policies and projects for the responsible and sustainable management of the Philippine BSC fishery.

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The Role of Pesantren in Achieving SDG-14

The Role of Pesantren in Achieving SDG-14

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)  and Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS host a plenary on Tuesday 8 October 2019, in Jakarta, to discuss the roles of Pesantren in supporting achievement of SDG14: Life Below Water. This plenary is part of the lndonesia SDGs Summit 2019, which this year focus on marine conservation to improve welfare and reduce inequality

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