Indonesia collaborates with UNDP to develop root cause analysis and operationalize inclusive multi-stakeholder platform for sustainable fisheries

Optimization of production, improvement of post-harvest, and governance are three focus areas for addressing root cause in marine fisheries in Indonesia.

These focus areas are discussed in the focus group discussion on experts input to analyze findings of the root cause analysis towards sustainable fisheries in Indonesia led by the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS.

This analysis is part of the process towards the operationalization of an inclusive multi-stakeholder platform to coordinate the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 14: Life Below Water.

Since they were adopted at the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2015, Indonesia has embraced the Sustainable Development Goals. The Government has shown strong commitment and taken early actions, including linking most of the SDGs targets and indicators to the national mid-term development plan (RJPMN).

The signing of the Presidential Decree no 59/2017 on SDGs implementation was a major milestone, which established the national SDG governance structure and mechanisms for planning and budgeting, monitoring and reporting. While the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS leads Government’s efforts in bringing the new agenda to both the national and sub-national levels, the Decree also gives a clear role to non-Government actors such as civil society, the private sector, philanthropy, and academic institutions.

Goal 14: Life Below Water.

As a commodity, fisheries sustainability can effectively be achieved if government align their stakeholders behind a shared vision for the future of the fisheries sectors and engage and commit all actors in efforts to generate change.

Through Indonesia’s SDG governance structure, a multi-stakeholder platform on SDG 14 will be operationalized to bring together government, fishers, civil society groups and the private sector in a safe space to coordinate action to tackle the root causes limiting the sustainability of a fisheries sector in Indonesia.

The root cause analysis will be finalized based on the inputs from experts and presented in the plenary meeting of the multi-stakeholder platform for sustainable fisheries in the mid-2019.

Through the Global Sustainable Supply Chain for Marine Commodities project funded by GEF, UNDP supports the Government of Indonesia to operationalize a multi-stakeholder platform on sustainable fisheries, as well as to generate lesson and model for improving fisheries sustainability through Fisheries Improvement Projects in tuna and blue swimming crab fisheries.


Costa Rica presenta su primer proyecto de mejora pesquera

En la búsqueda de acceso a mercados de consumo responsable, los sectores productivos y exportadores pesqueros de Costa Rica lanzaron una nueva iniciativa para promover una pesca sostenible en las aguas del pacífico costarricense.

Se trata del primer Proyecto de Mejora Pesquera (FIP por sus siglas en inglés) de Costa Rica para atún, dorado y pez espada que permitiría aspirar en el 2023 a una certificación del Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), una entidad independiente que premia a las pesquerías que adoptan prácticas de pesca sostenible.Hasta 2018 más de 228 pesquerías en todo el mundo han sido certificadas con la certificación MSC, equivalente a 10 mil millones de toneladas de 141 especies distintas, un 14% de la captura mundial. Esta es la primera vez que Costa Rica inicia un proceso similar.

Para cumplir con los estándares que les permita alcanzar una certificación MSC, este FIP ha desarrollado un plan de trabajo de cinco años, en el cual paulatinamente se introducirán mejoras en la pesca de las tres especies, tanto en pesca de palangre como en el uso del llamado palo verde o green stick, un arte de pesca complementario que utilizan las flotas pesqueras de pequeña, mediana y avanzada escala.


Artes de pesca de palangre (derecha) y palo verde (izquierda) en Costa Rica.


Para los próximos 5 años de ejecución de este plan de trabajo se propone mejorar la pesquería de atún, dorado y pez espada, hacer reformas de conservación, impulsar mejoras y avanzar en la gobernabilidad y capacidad de gestión pesquera en Costa Rica. Este FIP, además, es uno de los pocos que abarca a toda una flota nacional.

Delegación de Costa Rica en el Foro Seafood Expo North America.

“El FIP de pelágicos grandes de Costa Rica constituye un paso más que el país da en su esfuerzo por promover una pesca sostenible y un paso necesario para llegar a mercado internacionales de consumo responsable, que cada vez más exigen el cumplimiento de estándares de sostenibilidad. Nuestro compromiso como pescadores es aplicar mejores practicas y contribuir con la implementación de este proyecto de mejora pesquera como lo hemos venido haciendo con otras iniciativas similares desde el 2004”, explicó Mauricio González Director Ejecutivo de las organizaciones pesqueras de Costa Rica.



El FIP para estas especies pelágicas en Costa Rica se desarrolla como resultado de los alcances de la Plataforma Nacional para la Pesca de Grandes Pelágicos Sostenibles, que se desarrollo en el marco del proyecto Cadenas Mundiales Sostenibles de Productos del Mar. Esta plataforma multisectorial impulsó un diálogo democrático e innovador dirigido a abordar los principales desafíos de sostenibilidad de las pesquerías de grandes pelágicos en el país y en el que participaron autoridades de Gobierno, pescadores, exportadores, representantes de la academia, cooperación internacional, restaurantes y supermercados entre otros.


Lanzamiento del Plan Nacional de Acción para la Pesca de Grandes Pelágicos, Costa Rica.

La acción prioritaria de FIP es el plan de manejo de la pesquería de dorado, atún y pez espada que implica contar con: objetivos biológicos para estas tres especies, generar procesos de toma de decisiones efectivos participativos, diseñar mecanismos de seguimiento, control y vigilancia para el cumplimiento de las medidas de gestión de la pesquería con un proceso de monitoreo y evaluación del desempeño del sistema que está público en línea.

La mayor parte de las capturas del Pacífico costarricense de grandes pelágicos como el atún, dorado y pez espada son destinadas a la exportación. El 95% de las exportaciones de dorado van hacia Estados Unidos, siendo también este país el principal destino del atún, de ahí la relevancia de presentar este proyecto en ese escenario.

Es por esta razón que la Cámara Nacional de Exportadores de Productos Pesqueros y Acuícolas (CANEPP) ha hecho una importante apuesta  por esta iniciativa.

Ana Victoria Paniagua, Directora Ejecutiva de CANEPP Costa Rica.

“Hemos hecho un gran esfuerzo por mejorar la competitividad de los productos pesqueros de Costa Rica asegurándonos procesos de trazabilidad claros y transparentes que le den a los compradores internacionales la garantía de que nuestro pescado proviene de fuentes sostenibles. Es un proceso en el que seguimos trabajando y este FIP nos abre las puertas a este mercado” aseguró Ana Victoria Paniagua, Directora Ejecutiva de CANEPP.

Precisamente, un primer paso para llegar a esos compradores fue dado en marzo pasado cuando una delegación de pescadores, exportadores, oficiales de cooperación internacional y socios de del proyecto presentaron los avances de esta  iniciativa en la Feria Internacional Seafood Expo North America, un evento que reunió a más de 20.000 visitantes y actores clave de la cadena comercial de productos del mar provenientes de más de 57 países.

El Plan de trabajo del FIP de atún, dorado y pez espada plantea una serie de acciones concretas que tanto pescadores, exportados y la autoridad de pesca se han comprometido a implementar en los próximos cinco años.


Acerca del proyecto GMC
Cadenas Mundiales Sostenible de Productos del Mar (GMC por sus siglas en inglés), un proyecto interregional implementado por los Ministerios y Oficinas de Pesca, Producción y Planificación de Costa Rica, Filipinas, Indonesia y Ecuador. Su implementación es facilitada por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), con el soporte técnico de Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP); y financiamiento del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (GEF por sus siglas en inglés).


BFAR catalyzes formation of Octopus Business Group in pursuing fishery sustainability

Philippines, Quezon City— Octopus commodity producers and exporters, together with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), banded together in support of the formation of the Philippine Cephalopods Producers and Exporters Association (PCPEA).

PCPEA was formed to address mid and long-term sustainability problems of the Octopus supply chain in the Philippines.  This move was initiated under the BFAR-UNDP project: Global Sustainable Supply Chains for Marine Commodities (GMC-PHI), supported by the Global Environment Fund (GEF) and implemented by the BFAR – Capture Fisheries Division.

Philippine Cephalopods Producers and Exporters Association Meeting

“Sustainability of the fishery is everyone’s concern,” BFAR Region 9 Director and Octopus Technical Working Group Chairman, Isidro Velayo said “PCPEA is a testament to the joint aspiration of public and private partnership to work hand-in-hand in finding ways to help manage, protect and conserve our resources for the next generation”.

Upon unanimous vote by its board, Mr. Romel Sotto of Seachamp International Exporter Inc. will serve as the PCPEA President and represent the group at  the upcoming  Global Octopus Supply Chain Roundtable (GOSR) meeting in  Boston, Massachusetts this 18 March 2019.  The GOSR is a network of international octopus buyers that regularly meets to discuss priorities, actions and progress related to the integration of sustainability in Octopus fisheries across the globe.  It is led by GMC Project partner SFP.  PCPEA will present to the GOSR its proposed fishery improvement project that will operate within the framework of the upcoming BFAR-supported Octopus Commodity National Management Plan for sustainability.

The current seventeen (17) company membership of PCPEA includes: Seachamp, Seaglory, Crustacean Trading, HJR, Super Royal, Bluefin, Millenium, Sanmar, Ozean 8, Agri Aquatic Care, Aquatic Ace, Cinmic Industrial, Triton, YL Fishing, Central Seafoods, PUFFI, and Makran Trading.


About GMC Project

The Global Sustainable Supply Chains for Marine Commodities (GMC) project contributes to the transformation of the seafood market by mainstreaming sustainability in the value chain of fishery commodities from developing countries. This initiative achieves this goal by employing and strengthening emerging tools such as corporate purchasing policies, sustainable marine commodity platforms, and fisheries improvement projects (FIPs).
The GMC project is an interregional initiative implemented by the Ministries and Bureaus of Fisheries, Production and Planning of Costa Rica, Ecuador, Indonesia and Philippines, with technical support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), facilitated by the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).



Target 75 Forum: Public-private partnerships key to seafood sustainability

Global Marine Commodities Project participation at T75 Forum.

The National Chamber of Fisheries of Ecuador (CNP) and the Ecuadorian Tuna Pole and Line Association presented the steps they are taking to improve the sustainability of fisheries to international seafood buyers and retailers during the Target 75 Forum in Miami Florida, held February 6-7, 2019.

With the global sustainable seafood market valued at US$12.71 billion in 2017 and growing, there is an opportunity to capitalize. However, to effectively scale up sustainable seafood sales, industry currently faces the challenge of securing a reliable and verifiably sustainable supply.

To help meet this challenge, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), a facilitating partner of the Global Marine Commodities (GMC) Project, created its Target 75 Initiative (T75).  T75 aims to see 75 percent of world production in key seafood sectors certified sustainable by an international third-party program or making regular, verifiable improvements toward sustainability by 2020.

The GMC project contributes to the T75 target by creating multi-stakeholder dialogue roundtables (i.e. national platforms) for the creation of fishery management plans and new regulations in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Indonesia, and the Philippines. In addition, the GMC Project supports the establishment and facilitates implementation of ten Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs).

At the T75 Forum, a representative of the National Chamber of Fisheries of Ecuador (Cámara Nacional de Pesquería, CNP) described how the association is fostering public-private partnerships through its work with the Small Pelagic Fishery Improvement Project  in Ecuador.

“In a public-private partnership, industrial fleet ships, together with the National Fisheries Institute, are conducting research cruises to feed into stock assessments.  All costs are fully covered by private sector funds,” said Carlos Cacao Meléndez, the president of the Small Pelagic Commission of the CNP.

Small Pelagic landing in Puerto López in Ecuador – UNDP Ecuador.

Cacao also noted the positive interaction that the Small Pelagic FIP has with the GMC project.“Through the small pelagic national platform, the same participants of the FIP are working on the design of an active, transparent, participatory, and legitimate governance system for this fishery,” Cacao said. “This space will allow the fishery stakeholders to discuss and approve policies to overcome challenges to the sustainability of the small pelagics fishery.”

As part of the GMC project’s strategy to connect FIPs to international buyers, Augusto Lopez, president of the Ecuadorian Tuna Pole and Line Association, accompanied the GMC delegation to the forum. Lopez presented the Pole and Line Association’s plan to initiate a FIP in order to achieve certified sustainable Yellowfin and Skipjack Tuna, ready for sale to international buyers.

“I appreciate the opportunity to attend this forum and meet representatives from different companies that import tuna,” Lopez said. “The Cañeros de Manta Pole and Line Association is committed to achieving sustainability in our fishery, and we look forward to future engagement with the buyers who purchase sustainable seafood.”

Finally, Christian Severin, the Global Environment Facility’s lead for its International Waters (IW) focal area, presented how the IW portfolio seeks to strengthen national and regional policy and legal frameworks to address challenges affecting the planet’s oceans.  Severin reinforced the linkage between T75’s goals and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, specifically SDG indicator 14.4, which is closely aligned with T75:

Christian Severin, Global Environment Facility’s lead for International Waters (IW), at T75 Forum.

By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics.

Like T75, the SDGs intend to unite industry, international donors, governments, and NGOs toward common goals for the betterment of global society.  Now, it’s up to these players to develop efficient and effective partnerships to drive change forward.

About the GMC Project:
GMC is an interregional initiative implemented by the Ministries and Bureaus of Fisheries and Planning of Costa Rica, Ecuador, Indonesia and the Philippines, with technical support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), facilitated by the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Sea Lady

Women play an important role in fishing-related activities; while more involved in aquaculture, processing and marketing, they also participate in harvesting and direct capture

In the fishing sector, a world stamped by the strong presence of men, locating a businesswoman, leader and advocate for the cause is no easy matter.  In Costa Rica, where fishing tourism and sport fishing generate over 60 thousand direct and indirect jobs, one lively and empowered female figure stands out. With more than 28 years of experience in fishing tourism, Jeannette Pérez is truly a woman of the sea, and one of the female faces leading the fight to assure conditions for sustainability in this Central American country. 

While her passion and commitment to protection for the sea was born of chance events rather than inherited, today Jeannette Pérez is a brave fisherwoman, innovative businesswoman and leader in this sector. She is also a mother and grandmother, and admits she feels safer navigating a fishing vessel than aboard a plane.  Jeannette is one of the few women in the country who derives her livelihood directly from fishing. She is equally enthusiastic about taking a leading role in the defense of fishery resources, especially those that attract tourists from around the globe to practice sport fishing.

Her bond with the world of fishing goes back to 1989, when she began working with a tourism company involved in sport fishing. A few years later the company closed, and she decided to form her own. “I had to start all over again from scratch, with two kids, no work…and as a head of household. A friend suggested opening my own business and that’s how I got the money to buy my first boat for fishing tourism, which I baptized ‘Sea Lady.’  Some years later I was able to get a second vessel that I called ‘Wild Lady’ and the business has now kept me going over the years,” she says.

That’s how Jeannette discovered her entrepreneurial capacity, her leadership and her dedication to fishing. According to data from ECLAC, only 2% of women in Costa Rica run their own business, so it’s no surprise that making her way in such an environment has been difficult.  “Learning to evolve in that world and find success was one of the greatest challenges I faced trying to integrate myself in the sector,” she asserts.

In Costa Rica, fishing tourism and sport fishing are a service industry that generates around 331 million dollars a year and more than 60 thousand direct and indirect jobs. These include administrative work at hotels, marinas and wharves; cleaning, security and maintenance tasks; and other work that supports the activity, such as supply stores or jobs as crew, captain, deck assistant, vessel mechanic and others. Jeannette’s company contributes to this economy from the vantage of a small business with local workers in the port of Quepos, offering a vision and approach differentiated from international tourist operations.

Globally, strengthening women’s role in the world of fishing continues to be a challenge. Even though Costa Rica is a leader in the defense of gender equality in Latin America, the unequal conditions in fishing that many women still experience impact on income for them and their families and limit opportunities for their development and growth. The United Nations approach to this issue lies in Sustainable Development Goal #5, equality between the genders and empowerment of all women and girls, with instruments such as the FAO Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Small-scale Fisheries. These seek to ensure that women participate in decision-making processes and can access physical and capital resources to develop their own enterprise with the objective of satisfying their needs and aspirations.  

For the past year, Jeannette has participated actively in the Platform for Sustainable Large Pelagics Fisheries facilitated by UNDP, pursuing innovative solutions and proposals to improve environmental, economic and social performance in fishing tuna, mahi mahi, swordfish and other species. She has the honor of being the first woman in the country named to the Board of the Costa Rican Fishing and Aquaculture Institute (INCOPESCA, for its name in Spanish). 

Like other fishery sectors, in recent years fishing tourism has been impacted by the decline in populations of the large pelagics, like marlin and sailfish, which mostly sustain the industry.  “We’re seeing countries that are offering tourists more advantages and governments that have taken measures to protect resources of interest in fishing tourism, like sailfish and marlin, and this has made Costa Rica less competitive,” explains this woman of the sea.

“Fishing and the sea were always important for Costa Rica, but the crisis in this sector during recent years made me feel I needed to get involved in fishery policy, because many of the decisions being made didn’t integrate our vision or contemplate our needs. So I decided to get involved in different processes to find solutions for our fishers,” she explains.  That’s how four years ago this fisherwoman first sat down with the rest of the INCOPESCA board members as representative of the fishing tourism sector, a position she continues to hold today.

Jeannette Pérez is convinced that the National Platform for Sustainable Large Pelagics Fisheries is the forum Costa Rica needs so that all of the fishing sectors can collaborate on a work plan and set out a path for overcoming the crisis this industry in general is now facing. “We’re stuck and we need to move forward, and this can be the right road. My hope is that we can accomplish this, “she concludes optimistically.

The Platform is led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock as entity governing the fishery sector, along with INCOPESCA, the Ministry of Environment and Energy, enabled by the United Nations Development Program with financial support from the Global Environment Fund, but more important, driven by their participants.


Jeannette Pérez