Gender Analysis and Mainstreaming in the Indonesian Tuna Pole and Line and Blue Swimming Crab Fishery Improvement Projects
Indonesia is one of the world’s principal fish producers. Tuna and blue swimming crab (BSC) are two of its main export commodities originating in fisheries. In the last decade, demand for both environmentally and socially responsible seafood has increased. This study was conducted in response to the need to better understand and recognize gender considerations along the tuna and BSC value chains. Its objective is two-fold: (1) assess the division of roles between men and women, access to resources and participation in decision making in the fisheries; and, (2) map the linkages across project activities to identify critical points for integration of gender in FIP implementation. Case studies were carried out in the yellowfin and skipjack tuna pole and line (PL) fisheries, the blue swimming crab (BSC) fishery, and the associated Indonesian Western and Central Pacific Yellowfin and Skipjack Tuna Pole and Line, and the Indonesia Blue Swimming Crab FIPs. This analysis is part of the Global Sustainable Supply Chain for Marine Commodities (GMC) project in Indonesia, led by the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), with technical support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).Download the document
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