Key Considerations for Fishery Improvement Projects

The value of FIPs is their ability to engage market players in the journey towards sustainability and this ability can be enhanced if they engage with any existing, government established processes that have the same aims. It needs to be acknowledged that FIPs are neither unique in terms of consultation mechanisms in fisheries nor the main instrument for making progress on fisheries management. This in no means diminishes their value which can be enhanced by making connections to similar concepts such as comanagement, which is widely recognized as being a useful tool for engaging and consulting stakeholders. The aim of this document is to assist those involved in fishery improvement projects and related dialogue platforms by providing information that sets out the circumstance under which a FIP may be most likely to succeed. It makes use of a mix of lessons learned from the GMC project implementation teams and wider reviews of FIP implementation experiences from around the world.

Organization(s): PNUD, SFP
Publication year: 2021
Geographic keywords:
Language(s): English

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Building Equal Opportunities in Fisheries: The Global Marine Commodities Project Gender Strategy

The GMC Project Gender Strategy has been designed in strict accordance with the guidelines of the UNDP and the GEF. The UNDP views gender equality as a human rights principle and as a stand-alone sustainable development objective. It is the basis of one of the key principles of the 2030 Agenda for Development: the concept of “leave no one behind”. For the GEF, gender relations between women and men and between girls and boys play a fundamental role in accessing environmental resources, and controlling those resources and the goods and services they provide. This strategy aims to ensure that women are provided equal opportunities and rights to participate in activities throughout fisheries value chains, and to access the benefits that the Project intends to generate.

Organization(s): PNUD
Publication year: 2020
Geographic keywords:
Language(s): English

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Pedoman Dasar Proyek Perbaikan Perikanan yang Responsif Gender

As part of the Global Sustainable Supply Chains for Marine Commodities (GMC) Project gender strategy, basic guidelines have been developed for the promotion of gender-responsive Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs). This document presents an overview of FIPs and gender and a theory of change for mainstreaming gender in FIPs to ensure they are gender sensitive and responsive. It also includes practical actions to incorporate gender considerations in a FIP, including four desired outcomes and accompanying activities and output indicators.

Organization(s): UNDP
Publication year: 2020
Geographic keywords:
Language(s): English

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Pertimbangan Pokok untuk Ruang Dialog Multi-Pemangku Kepentingan untuk Tata Kelola Perikanan yang Lebih Baik

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is committed to enabling people to share their goals,needs and commitment to managing the use of natural resources (water, forests, soils, fisheries) in a way that meets global sustainable development goals. The UNDP has been facilitating dialogues between people involved in a variety of commodities such as coffee, oil palm, soy, beef and cocoa. The move into seafood enabled this approach to be applied to seeking solutions to the well documented issues associated with overfishing and the inequitable distribution of benefits from the use of fishery resources. As publicly owned resources, fisheries are more likely to be sustainable when stakeholders are actively involved in the management process. The Sustainable Marine Commodity Platform approach ensures that those in the wider supply chain, who also have an interest in sustainable use, are proactively included.

Organization(s): UNDP | SFP
Publication year: 2020
Geographic keywords:
Language(s): English

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Lessons Learned from the Indonesian Western and Central Pacific Yellowfin and Skipjack Tuna Pole and Line FIP

In 2017, the Indonesian Western and Central Pacific Yellowfin and Skipjack Tuna Pole and Line Fishery Improvement Project (Tuna PL FIP) was launched. Its purpose is to address overexploitation of marine fisheries by mainstreaming sustainability in the fisheries supply chain. Stakeholder in this ongoing Project include fishers who are members of the Indonesian Industry Association for Pole and Line and Handline Tuna Fisheries (AP2HI), the International Pole and Line Foundation (IPNLF), and the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF). The Tuna PL FIP journey provides an opportunity for fisheries stakeholders to extract lessons learned and identify the potential for replication and scaling up. This document provides ten essential lessons for fishing communities, scientists, and development workers.

Organization(s): UNDP | SFP
Publication year: 2020
Geographic keywords:
Language(s): English

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